Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our upcoming IU Day!!!

Yes, as the topic states,

We are having our International Understanding Day!!!
Date : 13 March 2010
Place : SMK SS17, Dewan Kesidang
Time : 2 - 6pm
Theme : Ireland (green)
Dresscode : Smart casual

*no skirts above the knee as teachers would kill us
*no low cut tops or sleeveless either as the teachers would slaughter us.

Ticket price is RM19 per person.
Tickets are not sold yet, but I'll announce it as soon as it is!
Limited to 200 people only!

Those who have talents.
You can sing?
You can dance!?
You can sing, dance, juggle and play guitar at the same time?
Tell Audrey, Daphne or Vi-Vien as we're looking for performers!
Then I'll let you know about further details :)

Come on people!
This is open to
ANYONE!!! :)
not just to SS17 students :)

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